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Target Market Determinations

New Design and Distribution Obligations (DDOs) come into effect on October 5 2021. As part of these changes, issuers and distributors of financial products are required to create a Target Market Determination (TMD) for each of their products.

What are Target Market Determinations?

A TMD is a document that describes the type of customer a product is appropriate for along with any conditions around how a product is distributed. It also outlines reporting obligations and the circumstances that would lead to a review of the TMD.

Why does Bluestone need TMDs?

We’re required to have TMDs for all our products under the Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019.

This is so we can ensure we’re keeping our customers at the centre of our approach to the design and distribution of our financial products.

Our Home Loan Product TMDs:

Home Loan

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Near Prime
Home Loan

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Home Loan

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Home Loan

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